Walked to the living room
p style=”font-family:"”>Grabbed my phone
p style=”font-family:"”>Nodded off checking social media
p style=”font-family:"”>Forgot why I went out there
p style=”font-family:"”>This is annoying
Pursuing Progress
Walked to the living room
p style=”font-family:"”>Grabbed my phone
p style=”font-family:"”>Nodded off checking social media
p style=”font-family:"”>Forgot why I went out there
p style=”font-family:"”>This is annoying
I’ve accepted a new position with Matt Steel, a Bellevue-based broker with EXP realty, who’s a decade or two of real estate experience. I’ll manage their digital marketing. This excites me greatly. I did this for C&K real estate team a few years ago. I loved this part of my job, even though I”m a bit rusty. My interest in digital marketing goes many years back and it aligns with my interests in web design, writing and social media.
Also, I’ll be managing this team’s transactions, which is another thing I’ve done (both for C&K, and also with Eagle Country construction). I’m excited to be continuing in the real estate and housing sector. I discovered how much I know and understand, and how much I bring to the table. As I’ll be renewing/rebooting my real estate license, I’ll dive deeper into this sector. I’m not entirely sure what I will do with this part of my career, but there are so many options, so many good ways to earn a living. I’m not sure which path is the right one. But as I’ve been listening to Gary Vee the past few days (updating my digital marketing knowledge), I see a need to experiment, take some risks, try some ideas out and see where they lead. I won’t get anywhere I want to go by seeking the easiest path, the easy way forward.
I’m excited to get back into the fray. And very excited to add the official title of “digital marketer” to my resume. And I’m really pumped to put all I’ve learned, and am learning, to work. Time to hit it hard!
My life: currently in transition. The current job comes to end in five weeks. So I actively seek my next opportunity. It’s there. I feel it. I’m excited about what the future holds. Yet, I don’t know where it is. Uncertainty presents challenges, certainly. I write more about that here.
It’s so easy to spin
Tumbling over, over
Losing my focus
In this maelstrom
Of possibility
For a choice requires
Leaving opportunity
Sitting in the sun
For another to grab.
What if that one
Is better than this one?
Too much of this
Is a table full of gifts
Where nothing is opened
And all potential
Evalotates into the day’s heat
What’s my path forward?
Unpredictable, of course
My inner voice knows
The right way.
Now, to silence the noise
And listen to the birds
At dawn
I love well crafted writing. Mr. Giridharadas’ letter, read below, gracefully captures one of America’s most painful divisions. I, like him, get very excited by all the possibilities within the coming culture. I forget, also, the many who find their identity challenged, status eliminated. Perhaps illusions shattered. Many of us find it easy to gaze down our spectacles at these people. Doing so damages our witness, denies the hope that I long for. What place exists for these folks? And if we truly value compassion, we need to look at this with a honest, self-aware gaze.
There are days we dread
At least I can see them come
These dark clouds moving
All hail performance!
I recklessly pursue speed
Losing quality
I always feel pressure to get things done faster. Speed is everything! Except it’s not. Without quality everything collapses. Pressure starts to build for both, yet they live on the opposite sides of town. Therein lies the challenge, methinks.