Night is now ending
Though the sun has yet to show
Silence is breaking
Though early, it’s time to wake. Life’s demands, well, are demanding. There always something to do, a challenge to meet, life to live.
Pursuing Progress
Taught risk avoidance
Always so vigorously
Hence why fear haunts me
I’ve long admired that itinerant hippie lifestyle. Driving into town within my VW Van, working for a few months raising money for the next leg of the trip. Spending years driving. Wind in my face, windows down, carefree.
Part of the love lingers on. But I’ve left that notion behind. It really doesn’t match my personality.
I found this series on YouTube. Kombi life features folk who’ve done this. They’ve driven this weathered ol Kombi from Peru to Alaska. Quite impressive.
It’s been a mixed year for me. I started a new job, one that pushed me far outside my comfort zone. As a rather cautious soul, that’s been quite challenging at times to deal with. The frustration of too much to do with constrained time.
I did get to recapture AutoCAD knowledge, then grow and expand that knowledge. I’m looking to continue this growth.
Another frustrating element for me: learning a new job. It’s one thing to expand my knowledge, quite another to learn a new role, where a company depends upon my effectiveness. It’s a rather terrifying sensation. Permitting, working with consultants, governmental representatives and departments had presented a deeper challenge. These organizations often are opaque and arcane. Learning their rules and needs requires delving into Byzantine regulations, laws and opinions. It’s often been murky and confusing. My project management skill set has been helpful. Actually, critical.
More positively, I’ve grown as a martial artist, and my family has done some great stuff. I’ve deepened friendships I valued, and grown to new ones. I’ve also spent the past few weeks studying myself, seeking to deepen my understanding of what brings me joy, what brings me success.
There’s great emotional risk in this research. What if my self-concept, ideas I’ve invested so much energy on, turn out to be bad fits? I realize my internal counterpoint needs to be “why would I want to invest time, emotion and energy into something that robs joy and beauty from my life?” But overcoming negative self-talk scripts is challenging.
So, exploring, growing, developing: that’s my theme right now. What about you? What were your favorite parts of 2017? What challenges will you be facing in 2018?
It pains me
Envisioning my journals
Beloved words capturing my soul
Mouldering in my absence
As I fade to dust
Not a work of poetry, but poetic in it’s raw power. It also features evocative language.
“The only thing that brings me any sense of meaning these days is to think of these fallen trees as nurse logs. Their memories, their lives, their children, their passions, their faces, their senses of humor, their wisdom, their spirits, their beautiful beautiful beautiful spirits are nurturing us, feeding us, giving us strength to go on, to demand change, to bring research to our friends, to fight against death death death so much death. Their falling leaves a hole in the forest canopy, but their souls are bringing new life to our movement and nutrients to keep us growing.
“And someday this forest will cover the world.”
As someone who lost my mother to breast-cancer far too young (pretty much the same age as Beth), this piece hits me hard. Tears, memories, so very much brought up. And, you may find it strange to share this Christmastime, but I always remember that first Christmas after my mom died. Really, though, I see this as a powerful way to honor her.
Blessing to each of you this Christmas. Love well, love strong, love.