His soul hides
Deep within old leather covers
Safe upon the shelf
Sometimes pulled down
Blowing dust free
Forgotten poems read
In the fading light
Of dusk
Realizing the potential of technology
His soul hides
Deep within old leather covers
Safe upon the shelf
Sometimes pulled down
Blowing dust free
Forgotten poems read
In the fading light
Of dusk
“Broken Dreams” by andziadesign
Every so often, I like to challenge myself with my poetry. Today I logged into Bing Images, grabbed the first one, and crafted the haiku below.
A heart bursting forth
Anguish is encompassing
This near winter night
Please remember why
So many giving their lives
Bird song on marble
As a young man, I was quite proud of my decision to join the Navy. No plans for great and noble sacrifice. My future was what mattered; potential, possibility. There were thoughts of glory, but not of sacrifice.
I’m sobered as I remember my youth. The naivete. The impulsiveness. The reckless spirit. The commitment to my friends. A child in so many ways, carrying amazing responsibility. I held the keys to horror. Mistakes could mean anguish and death for my friends, my crew, those I loved, and for countless innocents.
I’ve seen the face of parents who’ve lost their children. Of wives who lost their husbands. The promise of youth shattered to pieces. That leaves a horrible swath of destruction within hearts.
I consider all of this as I look upon this day and it’s symbolism. There’s so much we have yet to learn.
At this moment
Your fingers release my shoulder
You fade into mist
News received
Deeply tinged
With sadness
Into a mirror
Gazing, wondering,
Unshaven for this
Grey dominates
My beard
Change comes,
Celebrated at times
Or with dread
But it comes
Flame flutters
Victim of the breeze
Candles flicker
Departing from
Into the
Sorrow erupting
Reaching through my heart’s asbyss
Loss’s echoes haunt
Children’s voices in town
Echoes in the forest
Crying out judgement
Of deep failure, trust
Crushed, sacrifices upon
Lust’s altar. Offerings
Offered to an uncaring
Soul. Reminders of
Horrors he willingly
Inflicted upon his beloved.
Ground down from despair
Filled with negativity
Hating the word “fun”