Love’s amazing gift
When shared, it grows larger still
Sharing, expansion
Tag: love
I seek compassion,
Please let the gentleness flow
From my marrow’s core
Hidden in plain sight
I often
Find myself
My dreams, loves
Hidden by
My own
Hansel and Gretel’s Father
Children’s voices in town
Echoes in the forest
Crying out judgement
Of deep failure, trust
Crushed, sacrifices upon
Lust’s altar. Offerings
Offered to an uncaring
Soul. Reminders of
Horrors he willingly
Inflicted upon his beloved.
Upon life’s edges
Evading mundanity.
Lovely uniqueness
Gentleness descends
Compassion’s greatness saves me
Branches bloom anew
Here I stand
And so I stand
Upon this green hill
Watching the rage filled
Banter below. Unable
To comprehend, to
Descend, swinging
Into the mass melee
Of standard life.
I must stand aside
Playfully exploring
Within the forgotten
Grasses on this hill-top
Field, lost within the
Echoing glory of the
Neglected and unseen.
My heart flows gently
Over rocks, slowly shaping
Those immense, rigid
Marvels of power, strength,
Smoothing them into magnificent
Roundness, like they’d always
Been such, eternally shaped.
I hold the truth deep within;
My secret, my delight.
Truth, laying hidden
In plain site, floating
Upon the spring breeze,
Raging winter storm
Or Autumn’s fallen
Leaves. Grasping
Hold of each sense,
Each sensibility, until
Reality becomes
Distilled down to
Bassest elements,
Life’s rawest truth.
Be Not Afraid
Do not be so quick,
Refusing the healing touch;
Fear not the unclean