Remember dear friends
Seek out love and compassion
Flow through you and out
Tag: micropoetry
Today’s challenge
Facing my storm
A storm faces me
Destruction; my own making
Irrational fears
This winter’s day
Manic busyness
Sunlight slowly reclaims days.
January rains
Losing Now
Tomorrow’s calling
Trying to dance with the fog
Emptiness embraced
Sit, waiting for God,
Grasping tranquility’s joy.
Peacefulness transcends.
Night’s call
Strangely the night comes
Springing upon my workload
Exhaustion bites hard
Descending Sun
Darkness expanding
Growing from hidden places
Sunlight fades anew
Outward Vision
Staring from within
Push past fearful reactions
Outwards our focus
A cloudy morn
Clouds delight me so
Tranquility flowing forth
Dew drops glistening