Awakened pre-dawn
My mind racing with ideas
New blossoms have come
May your Monday start an effective and rewarding week.
Realizing the potential of technology
​Beautiful words
Embrace my mind
Yet life demands
My attention
It is morning, I guess,
Bringing me wakefulness
Vigorously unwanted
Far too recently did I dive in
Seeking eight hours of rest
Obscenely cut short
By my restless mind
This rainy darkness
The sun has not yet risen
Pursue excellence
There’s so much to accomplish early in the day. Before others are awake and the manic vigor rages forth. I love this time of day, when potential feels unlimited. When I’m bounded solely by my ambition.
What’s your favorite time of day?
Not yet dawn
Morning’s air chills
Blankets more inviting
Soon will grab some tea
the sun rises
i resist waking
my warm bed
This grey morning light
Falls deftly through morning sky
Clouds from the ocean