human reflexes
to inflict pain upon those
we believe hurt us
A cycle of destruction that threatens to consume us all.
Realizing the potential of technology
human reflexes
to inflict pain upon those
we believe hurt us
A cycle of destruction that threatens to consume us all.
Today’s Word of the Day challenge is “Acid“. I found this pretty challenging. Finally, I came up with the notion below.
like a strong acid
such a corrosive people
crafting so much pain
Love is many things
Over and under rated
Creates joy and pain
Far too early
To be awake.
Echoes in my mind
Haunting my dreams
Over fifty-years
p style=”font-family:"”>Living on this
p style=”font-family:"”>Spinning rock
p style=”font-family:"”>Yet moments come
p style=”font-family:"”>When, still,
p style=”font-family:"”>That powerless
p style=”font-family:"”>Little boy
p style=”font-family:"”>Rises
p style=”font-family:"”>Alone
Though no injury
Knee pain, stiffness and soreness
Ibuprofen saves
Pained eyes of children
Poverty is violent
Cycles of despair
The folks over at Edge of Humanity shared this post: “Faces Of Cazuca – The Illusive Peace For The Children Living In Extreme Poverty After Colombia’s War“. I’m struck by the cycle of despair, of violence, victimization and rage. I wonder if we can ever break free of this madness.
Visual Artist Katy Lopez is the Edge of Humanity Magazine contributor of this portrait/documentary photography. From her project ‘AfterWar‘. To see Katy’s body of work click on any photograph. AfterWar is a story told in photographs of the children of Cazuca, a very deprived and stigmatized area on the outskirts of […]
Facing life’s cruelty
Weary of watching them crushed
Energy vanished