flittering of bees
dancing upon the petals
a choir of birdsong
I’ve not had my morning tea yet. Time to change that, methinks.
I hope your Friday is inspiring and productive.
Building Positivity
flittering of bees
dancing upon the petals
a choir of birdsong
I’ve not had my morning tea yet. Time to change that, methinks.
I hope your Friday is inspiring and productive.
under this spring sun
graceful dance of the spring breeze
as the daylight fades
Fandango posted today about Johnbo’s Cellpic Sunday, a regular feature on his blog.
This one is from a few nights ago. And, yes, this was taken with my Samsung S22. I was really delighted with it.
Fellow blogger, Fandango, posted this response to another blogger, John Steiner’s “Cell Pic Sunday” prompt. I love prompts, so thought I’d dive in.
I took this photo a few days ago along the Edmonds waterfront (about 20 miles north of Seattle). I’m walking away from this squall (rather quickly, I might add) in an attempt to avoid getting drenched. Which was successful, though it was shifting from sprinkles to a steady rain when I got back to my car.
I’ve spent the majority of my life in this area. I walked this exact stretch of beach with my grandparents ages ago. I know the winds, the weather, yet sometimes get caught off guard. I was able to read the change before I got hit, while still meeting my step goal. I’ll take that as a win.
echos of summer
these glorious sunflowers
facing down autumn
under summer clouds
watching the vigor of bees
joyously cool breeze
the lift of music reminding me who I am on this summer's breeze
This is my response to today’s “Haiku Challenge” by Baffled.
These challenges inspire me, invigorating the creative within me.
This week has been rather intense. Last week, the first week of summer quarter, came with some issues. First, after enrolling for one math class without any direction for testing, it turns out I needed a placement test after all. Raced to get that done before the deadline where I would be auto-dropped from my class. It turns out, I need to go one class back. (I have studied calculus in the past, so remedial algebra stings a bit. It’s disappointing to have slipped so far. A lesson in humility, I guess. More importantly, this cost me about a week.
With this, in one of my other classes, I had significant technical issues, so I am somewhat behind in that class. At least by my definition of “behind”. This week I’ll finish my work right on the due date. I much prefer to be ahead.
These challenges easily fill my mind. When that happens, I lose track of who I am, and who I’m trying to be. One key thing that brings me back: music. Thus why my mind went there with today’s prompt.
I hope this post finds you well as summer progresses. May each of you find what you need as we end this week.
wandering my streets
behind the brick facade
the future awaits
freedom of sunlight
dancing upon the spring breeze
petals showing wear
If you like what you’ve read, please give my post a like and consider following.
watching flowers dance
as I rest in my hammock
sunlight glimmering
On Twitter there’s a daily “haiku challenge” by @Baffled (today’s word is “rest”). I try my best to do these every day. A lovely community has sprung up around them. For me, it’s one of the best parts of Twitter.