“…my mother died. I was with her. She is with me”

My mother died when I was 15. The impact lingers to this day.

So this piece by Masaru Goto struck me deeply:

…my mother died. I was with her. She is with me

I love the intersection of poetry and photography. I want to explore that myself.

A powerfully moving project.


Exploring Sandra Bacchi’s “Watermelons Are Not Strawberries”

Sandra Bacchi, a Pittsburgh based photographer and cinematographer I discovered via Edge of Humanity Magazine. Her current project, “Watermelons Are Not Strawberries” stuns me with its beauty.

‘Watermelons Are Not Strawberries’ is a work-in-progress, as I continually seek to better understand myself and increase my awareness of how I react to challenges related to my experiences as a mother. The photos reveal to me how uncertain and obscure my life became with motherhood. At the same time, there is an undeniable clarity in how my daughters lead the way for me to follow a brighter path as I journey through my everyday life.

My favorite image from this collection. I adore how the girl’s dress blends so well with the tree’s summer-lit leaves.


Also check out We Are All In This Together, another of her collections.

I’m experimenting with sharing more than just my poetry. There are so many beautiful things out there which I desire to share. Our world, so filled with ugliness and rage, needs to see more beauty. 

Wishing each of you a refreshing and recharging weekend. 

Today: Of Note On The Internet

Dr. Anna Haus’ Forgotten Clinic In Germany

The most recent update from the Edge of Humanity, this one features many haunting images of this forgotten and neglected space.

I’ve always been fascinated by places like this, that people simply forgot. This home (I believe they both lived and worked out of this space) still has a Steinway!

How do such things slip from our consciousness? To the point of destruction by neglect.

That would be interesting to explore.

This is fascinating and worth reading.

It’s Sunday night and I’m wide awake…hurray daylight savings time

Note: I originally wrote this last weekend, but through some crazy glitch, it was scheduled for March 12, 2200. 

Oh, the social train wreck, messing with circadian rhythms en masse, for fun and profit…or at sociopathic delight.

I hate these time-shifts. Firmly in the camp of “these have out-lived any usefulness they might have had”, I fine the tweaks annoying and disjointening (I just made that word up…yay me!).

So, I’m awake when I’d rather be asleep, and only starting to settle down. Being me, I thought it a great time for a blog post.

I spent a good chunk of the evening crafting some new logos for my son’s Youth Choir, the Snohomish County Youth Choir. I’m not super-happy with any of them, but they’re ok. It generally takes a few iterations before I’m ok with my work. And they’re never as good as I’d like. I’ll add them to my portfolio once I’m done and happy.

Also, I moved a bunch of photos into this site today, and built this gallery for my favorites. It’s been long-overdue. Actually, I thought I’d moved everything over and am only just now realizing I hadn’t. I have more work to do with this, which will keep my happily busy.

Anyway, enjoy!

[supsystic-gallery id=1 position=center]