demanding my trust
grinning that sinister smile
I remain wary
“Benevolent” is today’s Word of the Day challenge. As I spent part of today reading the news, my trust in self-stated benevolence has evaporated.
Pursuing Progress
demanding my trust
grinning that sinister smile
I remain wary
“Benevolent” is today’s Word of the Day challenge. As I spent part of today reading the news, my trust in self-stated benevolence has evaporated.
Early in the morning remembering the actions I regret. Unwilling to learn from my elders caused so much heartache. Eventually I learned this bit of wisdom:
Also I figured out that I learn more by listening than talking.
So, I’m getting there. The journey is ongoing.
Mr. Jones launched into my view via Debbie Millman’s Design Matters podcast. His charm and ebullient manner shined brightly.
I find Saeed Jones’ work evocative and insightful. His meter and flow challenge me and my own work. I hope you find his work delightful too.
Looking to the sky
As I’ve returned, again, home
Calmness with the dark
As I expect most of you know, I have a thing for writing haiku. I actually have a whole blog dedicated to them. They’re fun and packed with meaning in such a small package.
Since today’s my birthday, it seemed like a fun subject.
Anyway, enjoy! And enjoy the day. Seattle’s looking to have quite a lovely one.
p style=”font-family:"”>Tell me stories
p style=”font-family:"”>Shapes in the paint
p style=”font-family:"”>Reach out
p style=”font-family:"”>Like the dead
p style=”font-family:"”>Demanding to be
p style=”font-family:"”>Heard
p style=”font-family:"”>
Within my garden
Springtime announced in glory
Soon the petals fall
In this daylight
Work flows from fingers
Will the rains clean the street?