These tiniest things
Microscopic, effective
Brutalizing me
Tag: poem
World Poetry Day
As today is World Poetry Day, I offer up this contribution:
Shall we celebrate power?
Speaking conscience to the brutal.
When nothing else can resist.
Words sharper than swords?
Or those words capturing love?
That exquisite, maddening
Sensation. Delightful, painful,
No greater sorrow, or pleasure.
Poetry, indefinable, glorious
Mystery. Savor this moment
For soon we shall recommence
Our most divine torment.
My mind drifts onward
Lighting upon cloudy dreams
Embraced future tense
I value journeys
For I learn far more than I
Ever could at home
Upon my hands flow,
Dust of dreams and winter’s touch,
Autumn’s rain cleanses.
Fear and Love
Fear less and love more,
Great advice from a wise one
Internalize this.
Technology And…
Glorious blinking lights full
Of potential and power
Yet, sunlit live wins.
Evening Time
Evening floats
Down upon my mind
I drift gently over
These vacant, mist-like
Dreams born of others.
Collapsing into my
Mind’s silence.
Strange duality
Each thing’s opposite tangled
Deeply into one.