Tag: poetry
garbage in my brain
insecurity’s drivel
damaging my dreams
So many negative feelings. Why things lije self doubt dominates our brain cycles eludes me. But I seek to overcome this.
Today’s Black History Month Poet: Gil Scott-Heron
Probably best know for “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised“, Scott-Heron hugely influenced Rap and Hip-Hop. His work captured the array of emotions describing the urban black culture of the moment.
Today’s Black History Month Poet: Alice Walker
Ah, the legendary Ms. Walker! I admire so much about her work, I would need much more time to write her a worthy bio. Fortunately, the good folks at the Poetry Foundation have us covered.
Wednesday Morning Haiku
gift of life
seeking make it great
longing for beauty
Haiku, December 16, 2019
A Seattle Autumn: A Haiku
As I look skyward
The memories fill my mind
Seattle’s autumns
Today’s Quote of the Day: Gary Snyder
Holding hands in the night: a #haiku
An early evening haiku
With darkness falling
The sun shining from down low
Easily through trees
Scenes from my walk: a #haiku
As I’m walking past
Quietly amidst the green
The moss sings to me