Staying within the corners of my dreams,
Afraid to break free and explore the edges.
Light’s glorious textures outside my bounds,
Unable to reach for starlight beyond my gaze.
Tag: poetry
Winter’s Dream
Dreams flowing, stream-like
Passing under winter’s ice
Lost within the stones
Morning meditation on Twitter
Laying in bed
Warmth pervading
Safe and comfortable
Cold lightly touching skin
Adrift in this sea of
Knowledge. All things
Available immediately.
This 21st century
Basics of Love
Basics are easy
Love’s kernel is kindness
Absent, love is dead.
Early on a Winter’s Morn.
No wind, pre-sunrise,
Tranquility descending.
Winter, free of snow.
Light Awakens
The light awakens
Dawn drives us briskly forwards
Amongst the living
Girls in my life
Does she see herself
Gifted, talented and bright?
We tear our girls down.
Growing beyond surviving
Anyone who seeks to turn
Trauma and horrors’ emotional energy
Towards compassion and kindness
Embraces the deepest wisdom.
Our culture has a dearth of love.
I applaud all those who
Long to grow that seed.
The need is great.
Sit, waiting for God,
Grasping tranquility’s joy.
Peacefulness transcends.
Never Enough
Fear motivates,
Drives us mad,
Greed, envy, despair:
And we know not how to resist.