New romance’s joys,
Intense fluttering heart-rates;
Ah, twitterpation!
Tag: poetry
Word of the Day Haiku: Boomlet
Strangely these things come
Unannounced, then fading fast
Another boomlet
Word of the day haiku
Since I get’s Word of the Day, I thought these great writing prompts. So, let’s start the exploration, shall we?
Word of the day: noctambulous
Striding through the night
They wander while dreaming
The noctambulous
Time’s Edges
I feel time’s edges
As summer blazes forward.
Carried by the wind.
Hansel and Gretel’s Father
Children’s voices in town
Echoes in the forest
Crying out judgement
Of deep failure, trust
Crushed, sacrifices upon
Lust’s altar. Offerings
Offered to an uncaring
Soul. Reminders of
Horrors he willingly
Inflicted upon his beloved.
Dreamer’s edges
Mentally flitting
Gracefully above the earth
Within dreamers edge.
Overcoming fear
Overcoming fear
Refusing paralysis
Drinking deep from life
To gently master
Beauty of sunlight, breezes.
Saintly prayers for me.
Absence of tears
Sad, this arid heart
Free of disappointment’s pain
Free from tears’ moisture
Let go of anger
Escape pride and envy’s grasp
Such is peace’s path