World Poetry Day

As today is World Poetry Day, I offer up this contribution:

Shall we celebrate power?
Speaking conscience to the brutal.
When nothing else can resist.
Words sharper than swords?

Or those words capturing love?
That exquisite, maddening
Sensation. Delightful, painful,
No greater sorrow, or pleasure.

Poetry, indefinable, glorious
Mystery. Savor this moment
For soon we shall recommence
Our most divine torment.

Here I stand

And so I stand
Upon this green hill
Watching the rage filled
Banter below. Unable
To comprehend, to
Descend, swinging
Into the mass melee
Of standard life.
I must stand aside
Playfully exploring
Within the forgotten
Grasses on this hill-top
Field, lost within the
Echoing glory of the
Neglected and unseen.