Word of the Day Challenge: Abandoned

Photo by Cu00e9line Chamiot-Poncet on Pexels.com

troubling my mind
why was this place abandoned?
these lives forgotten

Today’s Word of the Day Challenge features the word “abandoned”, which reminded me of all the houses I’ve seen, empty, decaying. I wonder about the lives that were there before. I wonder about what caused these places to be left behind. What joys, sadnesses and pain have faded into oblivion?

Winter Haikus

A friend of mine just forwarded me this comic featuring some clever haiku/senryu, and I wanted to share these with you. I find them delightful.

Unfortunately, the creator wasn’t cited in the email. Fortunately, a quick image search turned up “Cul De Sac, the blog of Richard Thompson“. Here’s the link to the original post, from 2010.

Haiku Response to the FOWC: Disparage

Haiku 4-4-21

who can disparage
the wind’s grace within the sky
bird’s dance on the wing

This is my response to the Fandango Word Of The Day Challenge: “disparage”. One of my photos taken earlier this week, image edited in Adobe Spark, font Lora Regular.