I adore this idea!

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Here’s a great way to keep yourself focused on the positive elements of life. I don’t know if I’ll do the jar idea, but maybe a special journal or something like that.

Anyway, this was shamelessly swiped from Giggles and Tales.  Go check our her site! It’s worth your time.


Monday Motivation: Start The Week Right

I continuously need to recharge the positive side of my life. There’s so much negativity, which wears me done.

I appreciate this reminder to be bold, to have the courage to ask. Asking not only displays your desire, but also holds you accountable. Others now know your dreams, and, if they’re invested in your success, will hold you to your goals. Which is critical for attaining those goals, those dreams.

May your Monday be effective and affirming. And may your Christmas shopping be free of conflict and aggravation.

Warren Buffet Quote: The Value Of Saying “No”

 Saying “No” to opportunities…a huge challenge for me. Mastering this provides key benefits. The biggest? Focus. The more time and energy directed towards the things that matter, that we value, the more we accomplish. Related to that: distractions. Saying “yes” too often ensures a distracted, unfocused, confused life. One with missed deadlines, people left hanging, and the burden of extra stress. Damage that community too much and you become branded as someone unreliable. 

Protecting our focus matters greatly. What else do we have? Life is just a collection of moments. We don’t get them back. It’s critical to spend our time doing things that we value. That’s the path to a satisfying life. 

Making The World Better: Thinking Positively

Currently, I find it challenging to deal with all the world’s negativity. Power, control and cache get granted to those who “pwn” the strongest. We relish the putting down, degradation and humiliation of those we deem “enemy” or other.

Long ago, I committed to living life the opposite way. Seeking ways to build up my community, even those I disagree with. Asking how we can find common ground, especially in this age.

After checking the news (inadvisable at times), I feel it important to re-commit to that path. Perhaps even more boldly, with greater energy.

“Let’s find the win-win in this life” I tell myself as the sirens pass by.

Feeling Hopeful

My son just introduced me to this video by the British group “Bars and Melody“: Hopeful. The guys sing/rap quite well, but I find the anti-bullying message of this song powerful. It looks like this is a key part of their identity, which I fully support.

Now, it’s important to note, this video is from 2014. They have a pretty cool story of rising up via Britain’s Got Talent, getting a recording contract, and making a way via the arts through one of the new arts delivery channels.

Anyway, enjoy the video and let me know what you think in the comments.

The Lies of Impostor Syndrome

I love this one by Jorge Cham of PhD comics.

Reminds me of all the times that I’ve had anxiety attacks when asked to push outside of my boundaries. So, a few things to remember:

  • Prof. Jones has plenty invested in the success of his students/team. And a good leader will see things in you that you can’t see. And such a leader won’t let you sit mired in fear and insecurity, but push you past your self-imposed boundaries.
  • Mentors like the above are one of the most crucial elements to pushing past mediocrity into greatness.
  • Impostor Syndrome = LIES!!!

Alrighty, back to your regularly scheduled Thursday.