p style=”font-family:"”>The cricket sings
p style=”font-family:"”>Biology’s siren song
p style=”font-family:"”>Silenced by the dawn
Pursuing Progress
Today’s garden walk
With children’s delightful fun
The blessings of spring
This audio dance
As I sit this Saturday
My ears rejoicing
Trees bursting with blooms
Blossom petals slowly fall
Seasons still changing
There’s so much beauty
Night has prominence
The street light bold beaming
Contrasting the dark
Another poem about the night. I hope its restful and rejuvenating.
Spring’s glory is here
Soon the blossoms change to leaves
With summer’s warmness
So much Star Wars on
This event in Chicago
One of my life’s great joys
Star Wars has long been a key part of my life. The films are a central part of my personal mythology. I’ve written a few other poems about the films, and I expect I’ll write more.
With Star Wars Celebration going on in Chicago this weekend, I’ve been delighted to watch video footage of the happenings. I’ve long been inspired by the universe, and delighted as we keep moving forward. I felt a desire to communicate a bit of what it feels like to watch what’s happening to these characters I love. I hope I did it justice.