A Haiku For A Summer’s Evening

The day’s heat lingers
Sunlight blocked by the mountains
Summer’s kind mercies

It was a warm one today. Especially by Seattle standards. Got some walking in, a little shopping, farmers market time, chatting friends…all things that build connection and community.

Always Seek Out Hope

Always seek out hope 

Then our end will be better 

Beyond what we guess 

Moving through my life’s various trials in constantly struck by how often the results don’t match my predictions. At times, my conceptualization wasn’t even close. The best results achieve when I abandoned expectations and acted. Simply moved forward. Even if the end isn’t clear, the next step often is. 

In this morning dark

My mind’s focus telling me

My heart’s deep values
There are times that I think my priorities are “X”. I’ve learned, though, my mind’s focus when I wake tells me the deepest concerns of my heart. 

What’s interesting is how often it’s not anything I give focus to during my day. Or i would expect to be secondary. 

Sometimes it’s not logical, other times it’s extremely rational. 

Sometimes fear, now, though, it’s not. That’s a blessing.