Dreadful thoughts from a young mind 

“My dad is dying”


p style=”font-family:"”>My son’s friend was telling me


p style=”font-family:"”>”I don’t want to go”


p style=”font-family:"”>”Not there when I needed him”


p style=”font-family:"”>Dreadful thoughts for a young mind 


p style=”font-family:"”>

Listening to Fear

Fear has great wisdom
Face it boldly and head-on
Always stay mindful

This is a profound challenge for me. I do not like the sensation of fear. Yet I know it’s a required sensation for growth. 

As we push ourselves outside our “comfort zone”,  fear holds sway. Listen to it, see what it’s trying to say, look for truth. Is there something real to be afraid of, or is it the unknown, the simple possibility of failure? When you’ve done such, answers tend you be intuitively obvious. 

A Good Morning Haiku For You 

Sunlight’s debuting
Early morning darkness fades
Sounds of spring arise 

Watching the dawn inch forward inspired this haiku. I anthropomorphise the sun, imagining pride and delight as humanity stirs underneath the reborn warmth. Perhaps there’s even love for us as we reawaken our striving. 

So, here’s to a new day, it’s blessed possibilities, and all the potential you bring. 

Spring’s Blossoms Appear

Today’s work commands
My focus and energy
Spring’s blossoms appear

There’s so much greed for my attention. It’s easy to get lost within it all, losing sight of the important things. I strive to step out of that mental swirl, too see the world around me. What about you?