romances evolve
old man and woman hold hands
watching the sunset
I hope your Valentines Day is everything you hope for and need.
Pursuing Progress
romances evolve
old man and woman hold hands
watching the sunset
I hope your Valentines Day is everything you hope for and need.
snow falling
memories: moments of cheer
delights of childhood
Snow isn’t quite a joyous a thing as an adult as I found it as a child. Yet the echoes remain.
This is my contribution to today’s Word of the Day challenge, with today’s word “cheery”. I took a little liberty with “cheery”. I hope it cheers you, at least.
upon this first snow
a group of robins gather
a first sign of spring
Though there was snow on the ground this morning, it was mostly gone by early afternoon. Then, during my afternoon walk, I saw a group of robins rummaging through the fallen leaves. Winter may be in place now, but spring cannot be stopped!
walking near dawn
amongst the trees
coloring the sky
Some thoughts this winter’s morning. I hope you’re warm and safe.
rain will soon fall
I will feel the warmth
of memories
Posted this earlier today on my Instagram feed. I wanted to share it with you, too.
these quiet mornings
listening to the rain fall
calmness with my tea
This Weekly Prompt appeared (haiku) in my feed today. As I love mornings, it felt quite nice to create this haiku as a part.
facing the sunlight
arms reaching ever skyward
wind off the water
a new month
a new week
morning rain
a song, to me