Today’s Word Of The Day Haiku: Sad

do you know I’m sad?

walking alone on concrete

tears hidden by rain

This is my contribution to today’s Word of the Day Challenge: Sad. Fitting, I guess, for a rainy, gloomy day in Seattle. Many days like today’s hosted sadness. Lately, though, even in the midst of the pandemic, I feel calmness, tranquility.

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January Flowers

in the light of dawn

this bitter bite of winter

balancing with grace

The winter air has a substantive bite. Our weather reports hinted at snow, January marching into February. Yet, even in this time of cold, of darkness, flowers grace life with reminders that spring approaches.

WordPress Word Of The Day: Vendetta

standing under clouds
the squirrels and crows arguing
ancient vendettas?

I discovered the WordPress “Word of the Day” challenge a long-time ago. Getting these prompts helped keep my creative side engaged. Then the WordPress team ended that project. Fortunately, others have stepped up to keep that initiative going.

Today’s word is “vendetta“. A challenging word, especially for my focus on haiku. As I watch the crows and squirrels quibble over the breadcrumbs in my backyard, I came up with this one. I hope you enjoy it!