So much beauty here
When sun shines, it’s glorious
Realizing the potential of technology
Outside it is dark
Tapping sound from my drain spout
Water flowing down
Another grey day
Rainfall has moistened the ground
Watching memories
It’s feels very much like September this morning. The ground is damp from overnight rain. I great the crows debating their aviary issues of the day.
Having spent most of my life in our around Seattle, this is a common vision. One that connects me to so many memories, good and bad. Today I’m remembering living in downtown Seattle. That was home for nearly 10 years after I got out of the Navy. Basically, most of my twenties.
A fascinating time of my life. Trying to understand my place in the world. Discerning my dreams and goals. Mostly discerning myself, and my soul as unique and individual. Before that I either lived at home, in a dorm, on a ship, or in a barracks. I’d never truly lived alone.
As the rain had passed
This flower’s glory shines forth
And then the light shifts
The rain returned
A counterpoint provided
Against sunny warmth
Keeping us humble
And the moss healthy
This good day now ends
Accomplishing many things
Rain’s gently falling
After days of rain
The river’s running quite high
An eagle watching