This night now ending
Time to calm my random thoughts
And embrace my rest
Pursuing Progress
This night now ending
Time to calm my random thoughts
And embrace my rest
The night has come
Motion is now stilling
Dream’s demands coming forth
Wakefulness stills
I was going to write
But now I’m falling asleep
Yet I did write this
Not my desired state
Yet here I am
Fighting my own mind
What do I gain
When I win?
Sitting here, pre-dawn
My mind frantic with work stuff
The night is quiet
I’m awake, my mind reeling with ideas. Sadly, but restful, peaceful ones. Rather, things I need to change, ideas i need to incorporate. In the morning calm, my brain is editing my work. But they most desirable thing, I guess. It doesn’t facilitate and being of being well rested. The
My response? Open up my tablet and capture these notions, then set an Afghan to remind me to look at them once in at work. It calms my mind.
Listen to the surf
The wave’s eternal motion
Lulling me to sleep
My relentless mind
p style=”font-family:"”>In perpetual motion
p style=”font-family:"”>Sleeping’s a challenge
p style=”font-family:"”>Awake against my will
p style=”font-family:"”>Dreaming of dreaming
p style=”font-family:"”>Longing for slumber
p style=”font-family:"”>The machinery of my mind
p style=”font-family:"”>Psychological cogs churn and spin
p style=”font-family:"”>Whirring hum of my soul