autumn progresses
rains arrive and the air cools
yet flowers resist
It surprises me, at times, the persistent resilience of flowers. Though fully in jacket and sweater season, flowers still reach to the cold sky.
Pursuing Progress
autumn progresses
rains arrive and the air cools
yet flowers resist
It surprises me, at times, the persistent resilience of flowers. Though fully in jacket and sweater season, flowers still reach to the cold sky.
between the rainfall
and lovely autumnal sun
my grace-filled tea mug
I took this photo on my afternoon walk. The weather was a blend of rain and sun. A strange interplay, methinks.
under the sunlight
this gentle breeze sings to me
birdsong calming me
ah, lovely sunlight!
this day on the waterfront
this break in the rain
Autumn has fully arrived in Seattle. Rain and mist dominate the day. For me, this is calming. This is beautiful.
early autumn rain
birds delight in fresh berries
slowly I sip tea
deep within the woods a pond with lily pads dragonflies pass by
The above haiku is my response to today’s “Baffled Haiku Challenge“, a daily prompt posted on Twitter by the user Baffled. I try to contribute daily to this community. It’s a pretty awesome group of people.
glancing skyward then continuing my walk sunlight through the trees
into August's sun
with it's cruel grip upon us
gentle beauty grows
at the sunlight wanes
footsteps echo through these woods
soon sleep will call me
Here’s my contribution to today’s Word of the Day Challenge. The word: Impressive.
resisting wind, rain
feeding upon the sunlight
impressive glories
The featured image is a photo I took yesterday. I’m unsure of the flower type, but found it lovely.