Flowers On My Walk

walking in sunlight
renewed life fueled by its grace
moving through my space

Living in the suburbs north of Seattle, I see many flowers. You probably have no trouble discerning that from my posts. As a young man, I fled these burbs. Life’s sense of humor, though, kicked in hard. I know life just about a hundred feet from the house I grew up in.

The passing time brings perspective. Now I feel a deep love for this place. My connections deep: friendships, history, I can look at a spot and talk about decades of change, and stability. These suburbs resist change well, but not perfectly.

These flowers which bored me as a boy and young man, well, they now bring me happiness. Years of growth, of death, of change, yet the bees still buzz, flowers still bloom, and summer becomes autumn.

Tonight’s Haiku: July 14, 2020

movement of my feet
scenes along these quiet streets
suburban whimsy

I came across the cover photo on this evening’s walk. I’ve seen it before, and really get a kick out if it.

It’s really feeling like summer in Seattle. It really hasn’t had the feel until the past few days. Fortunately, it’s not too hot. I’m truly acclimatized to these moderate climes.