echoes of the universe
upon my palm
Good night, every one! May you all find rest and restoration this night
Realizing the potential of technology
Looking skyward
While dawn approaches
Waiting for this fitful night
To finally end
It is morning, I guess,
Bringing me wakefulness
Vigorously unwanted
Far too recently did I dive in
Seeking eight hours of rest
Obscenely cut short
By my restless mind
My soul resisting
This awakening, needed
Longing for sleep’s grace
As I now lay here
The night’s silence calming me
My brain is active
This night now ending
Time to calm my random thoughts
And embrace my rest
Not my desired state
Yet here I am
Fighting my own mind
What do I gain
When I win?
My relentless mind
p style=”font-family:"”>In perpetual motion
p style=”font-family:"”>Sleeping’s a challenge
p style=”font-family:"”>Awake against my will
p style=”font-family:"”>Dreaming of dreaming
p style=”font-family:"”>Longing for slumber
p style=”font-family:"”>The machinery of my mind
p style=”font-family:"”>Psychological cogs churn and spin
p style=”font-family:"”>Whirring hum of my soul