Taking part in the Word of the Day challenge, where today’s word is “Opinion”. It seems fitting as spring flowers are starting to wane to talk about the falling blossoms.
gentle rain passes
starlings sing their opinions
cherry blossoms fall
Building Positivity
Taking part in the Word of the Day challenge, where today’s word is “Opinion”. It seems fitting as spring flowers are starting to wane to talk about the falling blossoms.
gentle rain passes
starlings sing their opinions
cherry blossoms fall
at dawn’s appearance
crows are discussing the day
I returned to sleep
Good morning everyone! May your week exceed your expectations in every good way.
I took this photo on my walk this evening. As it’s still spring with flowers blooming like mad, that’s been my current focus, photography-wise. The haiku just felt right.
I’m looking forward to branching out further afield as the corona virus restrictions abate. I’m looking forward to getting back to downtown Edmonds, I do miss it so.
What are youlooking forward to add life returns to some semblance of normal, or a new normal.
the glories of spring
flowers singing with boldness
swallows harmonize
though the rain has stopped
the ominous clouds stare down
birds oblivious
walking this evening
getting to see such beauty
life in quarantine
the motion of spring
bold new life; cherry blossoms
slowly fall to earth
the calmness of night
the birds have fallen silent
flowers in the rain
gazing at the moon
I touch the lake; ripples form
across the night’s sky