evening light descends
boisterous colors emerge
glory of flowers
Facing Forward, Pursuing Progress
evening light descends
boisterous colors emerge
glory of flowers
as the daylight fades
the dahlia glows in the sunlight
bringing the bees joy
beads upon petals
ghosts of the recent rainfall
then sunlight returns
Saw this flower while walking around town recently. I loved it and wanted to share.
I hope and well with all of you.
a breeze in sunlight
summer slowly approaches
these dancing petals
as the water beads
flowing across the petals
rains drift westward
under the sunlight
crows relaxing with their friends
such tranquil moments
as the summer fades
at the air somewhat cooler
boldest of flowers
this sunlit cafe
motion of people living
strangers intersect
The grace of summer Greeting me upon my walk Sunlight through the clouds