jaunty tunes
wheels bearing
iced confections
Summertime is upon us. It’s definitely arrived in Seattle, though looks like it might pause this weekend. I hope you’re feeling the pleasent joys summer brings.
Building Positivity
jaunty tunes
wheels bearing
iced confections
Summertime is upon us. It’s definitely arrived in Seattle, though looks like it might pause this weekend. I hope you’re feeling the pleasent joys summer brings.
nearly summer
I don my sweater
raindrops on leaves
Still signs of summer
And the sunlight is quite warm
I saw geese flocking
Walking this morning
Sunlight leading me onwards
Summer’s grace fading
Created with Canva! Take a look at my Canva design! https://canva.me/rTbt5tjduZ
As we move homewards
Across the San Juan Islands
Summer’s Joy’s awake
In this summer’s sky
With this glorious calmness
I ponder deeply
I’ve been enjoying crafting these designs Canva. It’s a solidly fun tool.