I often get wound up over the details in life. Seeking out the details can go to far and I simply add complexity.
When I hurt my arm, instead of looking for the best medicine cocktail, I need to do slap some ice in it. The sooner the better.
Realizing the potential of technology
Ambition can be savagely cruel, especially to those we love.
When we lose sight of the important, of what gives us life, even if we remain alive, we aren’t living.
It’s so terribly easy
So allow vacant
To drag down
My psyche
My savage mind
p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>Holding court in my dreams
p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>All failings listed
I’ve been thoughtful today. Yesterday a friend had a “small” stroke. He’s not much older than me, so there’s that sobering element. I’m thinking about the fragility of life, and similar things. And I’m grateful that “small” seems to be accurate.
Greg is known by many as Papa Greg. Partly for his wisdom, partly because he holds love in the highest regard. It shows and he’s loved on return. Watching his Facebook feed fill with well-wishes truly was delightful.
I try to live my life this way. To have love so central that it exudes from my being.
It’s heartening, in the end. Especially as he’s chatting with us on Facebook again.
Life moves and changes. It is the way of things.
Note: I originally wrote this last weekend, but through some crazy glitch, it was scheduled for March 12, 2200.
Oh, the social train wreck, messing with circadian rhythms en masse, for fun and profit…or at sociopathic delight.
I hate these time-shifts. Firmly in the camp of “these have out-lived any usefulness they might have had”, I fine the tweaks annoying and disjointening (I just made that word up…yay me!).
So, I’m awake when I’d rather be asleep, and only starting to settle down. Being me, I thought it a great time for a blog post.
I spent a good chunk of the evening crafting some new logos for my son’s Youth Choir, the Snohomish County Youth Choir. I’m not super-happy with any of them, but they’re ok. It generally takes a few iterations before I’m ok with my work. And they’re never as good as I’d like. I’ll add them to my portfolio once I’m done and happy.
Also, I moved a bunch of photos into this site today, and built this gallery for my favorites. It’s been long-overdue. Actually, I thought I’d moved everything over and am only just now realizing I hadn’t. I have more work to do with this, which will keep my happily busy.
Anyway, enjoy!
[supsystic-gallery id=1 position=center]
Upon this odd hour
My mind flutters gracefully
Over bright flowers.