Walking at Twilight

Walking at twilight
The sense of forward motion
My tranquility

I value my evening walks. They bring me focus and settle down my more manic moments. Often, I listen to podcasts. Today, though, I opted for music. Spotify is glorious if you love music like I do.

Tonight’s Haiku: An Evening Walk

Walking near the shore

Sunlight gracefully setting

My mind is swirling

It’s been a rough couple of days. A few moments of peace were very welcome. Walking and writing poetry connect me to the greater grace of the universe. And I’m grateful.

I’m grateful for you, too, dear readers. The likes and comments make me feel like I add value to your lives with my shaped words. So, thank you for reading, liking and commenting! It lightens the heavier loads in my life.

Walking along the shore

Walking in the night
Enjoying this graceful scene
Of the moon’s ascent

One of my favorite places is the waterfront in Edmonds, about 30 miles north of Seattle. I adore walking along the shore. Even tonight in the cold, though there were moments of striking clarity.