Another response to the Word of the Day Challenge. Today’s word is “vision”.
seeking a vision as summer progresses beyond empty words
Facing Forward, Pursuing Progress
Another response to the Word of the Day Challenge. Today’s word is “vision”.
seeking a vision as summer progresses beyond empty words
Today’s word is “overdue”. Not a very poetic word, is it?
a day with light rain giving overdue relief birds gracing my day
Another morning, another daily challenge. This time I am looking at the Word of the Day Challenge. Today’s word is “meeting”. With the pandemic and all, you might expect me to write about Zoom. But, no…
in the morning mist flowers meeting to discuss humanity's fate
Photo by Ray Bilcliff from Pexels
strolling through the woods mysteries through the ivy moments of wonder
Today’s Word of the Day Challenge features “Ivy”. Instead of looking through my photo catalog, I opted to head to Pexels. This photo’s dark, woodsy mood felt perfect.
Here’s my contribution to today’s Word of the Day Challenge. The word: Impressive.
resisting wind, rain
feeding upon the sunlight
impressive glories
The featured image is a photo I took yesterday. I’m unsure of the flower type, but found it lovely.
Here’s my contribution to the WordPress Word of the Day Challenge: Gorgeous.
the grace of sunlight
gorgeous specks upon the waves
westward towards the sea
Featured Image: Photo by Александр Прокофьев from Pexels
suburban wanders
as fresh cut grass’ scent dances
memories awake
Today’s Word of the Day Challenge features “fresh”. As it’s spring here in the suburbs of Seattle, and I’m listening to a mower’s drone, this flowed from my keyboard.
feet moving southwards
a moment free of traffic
memories of the road
Today’s Word of the Day Challenge is Traffic. I took the photo above on one of last week’s daily walks. Memories of long-ago road trips. That moment of breaking free from the urban, of the slog of traffic, facing the freedom, and cruelty, of the road. Washington and Oregon’s backroads, where one goes for miles without seeing other cars. When you do, only the briefest intersection, a burst of rushing wind, abruptly quieting to nothing. Only my engine’s hum remains.
snoozing through winter
slowly awakening
morning’s gentle rain
Today’s “Word of the Day Challenge” is Snooze. These words came while watching rhododendron blooms slowly come to life this week.
troubling my mind
why was this place abandoned?
these lives forgotten
Today’s Word of the Day Challenge features the word “abandoned”, which reminded me of all the houses I’ve seen, empty, decaying. I wonder about the lives that were there before. I wonder about what caused these places to be left behind. What joys, sadnesses and pain have faded into oblivion?