A Day In Front Of My Computer

Zany days. A 2 hour meeting in the morning disrupted everything. Not too uncommon, but it can be discomforting. Today, though, it was good. My team gave me a ton of space, so I was able to tunnel in and make AutoCAD sing. Well, to the best of my ability, at least. I’ve grown massively with my CAD skills, but I see a huge amount of growth out there.

Hours passed quite quickly, I was focused and in my zone. I love that feeling and really relish those moments I get to dive in like that. No distraction…focus! That is my happiest place!

With that, music really helps me deeply dive into focus. I pulled together a decent playlist on Google music based on Ghost in the Shell and Attack On Titan soundtrack elements, Then, this evening, I stumbled upon Maddy Meyers. This album below is exactly what I would’ve loved to queued up. So, it’ll just need to be tomorrow’s. For I expect focus will be important then, too.

Your Best Work Isn’t “Nothing”

As you may have noticed, I think very highly of Seth Godin. This blog post gave words to an idea I’ve been considering:

Money for nothing

Seth says “…your best work isn’t nothing…”. I adore that! A reminder that our work is valuable, that our lives have worth. Seeking shortcuts to accomplishment not only shortchanges the one seeking the easy path, it short changes us all. We need to see the value we add, embrace that, and, then, get to work!
I hope you have a marvelously productive Monday!
When searching for a “Featured Image” for this post, I came across this one. Reminds of my favorite things when working for Starbucks and Microsoft. 

Career Meditation: Accepting what I don’t know 

Embracing my fear
Stepping into the unknown
So much I don’t know

I realized this morning how much I’ve struggled with my new job. I’m in a new industry and doing very different work.  And i’s been a long time since I’ve stretched myself like this. It’s been fearful, but good. I need to push myself forward. It’s far too easy to settle into easy, no risk, safe work. I need to push through that fear and keep growing, stay alive and vibrant. 

Thinking about my place in the blogosphere

I’ve been exploring my work as a blogger. Remarkably unfocused, but I’ve had s lot of fun. For several years I was the blogger in residence for a real estate team. Otherwise, it’s been about fun.

Lately I’m hearing from folks who’ve managed to make their living blogging or vlogging. And that’s a vision that compels me.

I love writing my blogs. But my scattered interests have resulted in seceral poorly attended to projects and cluttered sites.

I know I need focus. Need refinement. So, that’s my work right now. Which elements to i want as my focus. Not sure it needs to be anything I’ve spent time with before. Poetry, though, has resonatined and performed well. My Seattle blog does reasonably well, too. Neither is really at a point regarding page views to help me even cover the expenses of the site, though. I’ve also written about business, real estate and technology. So many possibilities….

So, I’m building a business plan, figuring out my focus and will then launch my new initiative. It’s time for me to take blogging more seriously, and to the next level…whatever that means.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Please leave me a comment below!