As I look upwards
Orion’s belt reminds me
This stargazing youth
So many memories, laying in the grass, eyes skyward, my dreams moving at lightspeed.
Realizing the potential of technology
Once, I was a sailor, young and foolish.
Looking back I’m truly stunned at what I operated, and the responsibility in my hands. Mistakes had truly life and death ramifications, and I hadn’t no sense of the seriousness.
Everything from nuclear power-plants, torpedoes, big-assed firearms, weapons of all stripes including nukes, operated and maintained, mostly, by teenagers and youngish adults.
I read a post recently that reminded me of my time in the service. And, really, for the first time seriously considering what the heck was going on while I was a young man.
To be honest, there are times that these thoughts terrify me. And yet, I remember back, back to the youthful poor decisions, impulsive and rash actions; through all of it, we managed to be serious enough about our responsibilities that no one was hurt.
Perhaps I, too, don’t take the capabilities of youth seriously. Especially my own.
Walking upon old roads
My childhood feet trode.
Memories, feelings lurking
Forgotten flit forth, bird-like;
A flicker upon consciousness
Vanishing like morning fog
Leaving no trace save the
Dream-like phantom reflection
Of my youth.
Youth inspires me.
Faces forces intending
On destroying their dreams.
Resisting that force
Believing in their dreamer
Never to wither.